Sunday, June 28, 2009

But the city is awesome! its cool seeing how old the city is and the different ways the buildings are built and stuff. we have a pretty good location i guess, we are within walking distance to school and i think it is just a simple metro station away from the main downtown area...the apartment is really cool too! its really old and the ceilings are high, but everythig is kind of crammed together (the bathroom is tiny the rooms are tiny the hallway to one of the other guys rooms (which is kind of downstairs) is tiny, but the apartment is so old and gives off a cool vibe. I have my own room which is really nice, and it is right at the front of the house, with the central living stuff down the hallway.

I walked around the city yesterday to try and stay up and checked out the area where they had the 1992 summer olympic games, but it wasnt that cool cuz I could only see the outside of everything. We went out to the bars last night but I was pretty tired ad so just checked out this one place and then I caught a taxi back.

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