Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just letting everyone know I got in fine from my long trip, it actually went really well, I was able to sleep off and on for a lot of it. I got through customs fine and it was a relatively simple transition into barcelona. I met up with other kids from CEA, one from Cal Poly and another who is my roommate. Everyone seems to be extremely nice, and fortunately there were some good spanish speakers in our group. we went out to eat already, walked around the city and got some food and cervasas. Everything is starting to slowdown for the mid day siesta (nap) but I am still pretty awake so I decided to email you guys and then maybe take a walk around the city just by myself. We have a reception dinner tonight where we meet the rest of the CEA group (about 70 of us) and then they have activities and tours of the city and moving in to our apartments over the next two days. So it should be exciting, this seems like an awesome city and I cant wait to get more of it!!!

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